Sunday, July 14, 2013

Can Chris Christie save the GOP from itself?


I doubt that he can. The GOP is determined that they need to run candidates that are even farther to the right. We have all heard that "Romney lost because he is not conservative enough. The GOP refuses to accept what is staring them in the face. The country IS NOT becoming more conservative. Until they face the truth, they will continue to lose national elections. They will win locally as long as the Gerrymandering works. But it is dangerous way to stay viable.

Let the Denials begin!

Well your right, the country has become more Liberal. It will work for awhile, until people discover that the government can't pay for everything they want. They can't pay for what we have already and it will only get worse over time until we become like Greece and some other European countries. We already have 47% of the population not paying taxes. Does anyone believe that most of those 11 million illegals that the Left wants to make citizens, will be paid so much that many won't join those lower paid Americans, not paying any Federal taxes?.

I know how nice it sounds that everyone should be paid a living wage. That we should get free health care, have government pay our student loans and cut our house payments. That we should increase welfare, etc. But where is the money going to come from? The rich doesn't have enough to pay for all the give aways the Left wants. It might take an election or two, to get that point across to Liberals.

Cities and states are all facing a crises now and it will only get worse. These cities and states can't pay their well funded pensions and it will soon come to a head like it has in Greece and others. They are having to cut benefits and raise taxes. People are screaming over there. Right now NY owes billions to their pension fund, with no money to fund it. Instead what they have done is borrow from the pension fund to pay on the fund. How long can they continue too do that?


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