Monday, June 3, 2013

Man gets 11 pounds of pot in mail by mistake


It sounds like a stoner's dream, but it's been a bit of a nightmare for a California man who recently got an unexpected FedEx delivery: 11 pounds of marijuana.

George Burton, from Sacramento, Calif., said the FedEx Kinkos box?with his name and return address handwritten on it?was left on his porch Thursday.

Burton and his dog sitter cut it open to find a layer of spray Styrofoam.

"We break into it, I look and say, 'This isn't what I think it is,'" Burton told Sacramento's KXTV.

Burton turned the pot over to police, who believe his address was picked at random. But Burton and his fiancee decided to temporarily leave their home out of fear the intended recipient may resort to violence after discovering the pot?worth about $24,000?is gone.

A sign posted on his front door reads: "Kinkos/FedEx Box Given to Sac Police."

"I'm really concerned someone is going to come looking for this," Burton said. "People have gotten hurt for a lot less than $24,000 worth of marijuana."


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